Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Guatamala - sustaining lethal lascerations to the neck, pelvis and 3rd lumbar, Jon Lee, was carried by coconut throne to the nearest hospital.

"I begged for mercy but they were unrelenting.. so blood thirsty. or perhaps they couldn t understand english."

back to reality, yesturday we peeped a natural reserve just outside of town. for about $6 USD we got to check some butterflies, waterfalls and spidermonkeys. truthfully, i was more focused on the 3 tacos for $1.25 waiting for me back in town. later that evening i ate an argentinian empenada and a whole coconut for about $2. i lost $6 on peso exchange and ripped off for $2 more at the hotel. that s a fine day.

behind the buildings is a volcanoe..

1 comment:

TB said...

I just got a call from Jerry Hsu, he wants to take photography lessons from you.