this was colin and i five months ago, ridding our lives of everything.
yesturday, i observed the landscape through an airplane window. the colours changed from greens to greysandwhite. i'm home now, it's cold and my dog is old. likewise, i have acquired some wrinkles myself on this trip. it was everything you would expect me to say, so here's some random things i can share with you.
1. if you're doing america, do it by car.
2. learn spanish.
top places in no particular order:
1. puerto escondito, mexico
2. lanquin, guatemala
3. puerto viejo, costa rica
4. sunzal beach, el salvidore
5. isle de ometepe and san juan del sur, nicaragua
6. San Fransisco, duh
neat-o careers of people i have met:
1. self employed gum ball machine distributor.
2. nyc emergency situation controller
3. factory production revolutionist
4. 10 year traveler
5. professional sand sculpture artist
6. linguistics prodigy
touching survival stories:
- first hand account of the thailand tsunami disaster of 2004
- botched kidnapping attempt
and that's it. thanks for reading this blog. seriously.