Interview Part Two:
Its time to meet the other half of this dynamic duo, Jon (aka Juan) Lee.
Jon is not just our trip photographer but also has many fascinating thoughts and ideas. Lets see what he has to say.
1) Jon, I´ve noticed you take a lot of naps. I´m wondering if you can explain the importance of this, maybe tell us what kinds of special powers this gives you.
naps are definitely an important part of my daily regiment -namely for the purpose of averting the displeasures of everyday life!
2) You´ve been known to befriend dogs and name them things like Steely Dan or Wesley Snipes. Can you talk about your canine connection. How do you come up with those names?
yes, i have made a number of long lasting and meaningful relationships with dogs in the past. they like me because i keep sausages in my pockets. and they usually whisper their names to me late in the evening.
actually, i remember wesley snipes sleeping under me and having that tax evading look to him. that´s where he got his name.
3) We all know your a bit of a food conniseur. Central America and food. What have you got to say?
i like to compare central american food with thanksgiving. blend it all up and it still tastes the same!
4) What would you rather ride, a horse or a packed Guatemalan shuttle van?
i fear horses. next question.
5) How has Henry Chinaski changed your life?
i know you know, but for the reader i will try to explain. this man has influenced the way we speak. for example, when inquiring about going for a drink, we say, ¨chinaski?¨
6) Can you explain to our readers the t-shirt rotation program?
wear it till it stinks no longer. the life cycle of shirt goes from clean to stinky and back to clean again. it´s a phenomena i can´t explain.
7) What would the world be like without hats?
a puffy hair populous of baseball haters.
8) Name three songs you never want to hear again.
anything by bob marley, summer of 69´ by brian adams, and save a horse ride a cowboy by big and rich.
9) Leo Tolstoy or Leo Dicaprio?
i really enjoy being swept away to 19th century rural russia, but dicaprio stole my heart in growing pains the television series. im going dicaprio because i´v known him a bit longer.
10) What have you learned about religious celebrations in your time down here?
that´s easy. one word: fireworks.
Parting words en español?
no hablar a las personas no te gusta.