a lot has happened in recent days, so i am going to make this snappy...
we are currently situated on that island in the center of the map, isla de ometepe (there are turantulas here!). it´s really f-ing cool, but we didnt bring any money and there´s no ATM so we´re breakn´for costa rica real soon. this island´s got 2 active volcanoes, one of which we climbed yestuday.
there´s a good story behind this but perhaps i will save the extended version for a next post. basically we were way up in a cloud forest with monkeys, knee high in mud. we chilled in the volcano hole with some austrians and had a stretching party in our underwear. anyway..
prior to this we spent two days in grenada with mat. he comped most of our food and drink on his tour company. colin bought a foot long burrito and i bought a white t-shirt and a single one-time-use pack of head and shoulders for $2.25. mat also bought a burrito but fed the whole thing to a dog. his hotel was pimped and i got to use skype with jake for the first time.
the mission to the island was a 3 hour boat ride on the fresh water/shark inhabited lake nicaragua. here, we bought ´second´class tickets to ride along with the working class. 100´s of people packed into the lower deck of the boat. it was like that scene from titanic where kate winslet goes down into the basement with jack and parties for a night with the poor people and has a lot of fun doing it. but in our case there were more nicaraguans and the travelling circus was there. seriously. accordian, balancing acts and acrobatics. it got annoying after awhile because they sucked at what they did.
upon arrival we hitched a ride with 3 unrelated americans. one´s claim to fame was his roll in teenage mutant ninja turtles as a footclan extra. im going to rent this when i get home.
another one was this 75 year old firecracker from boston, henry. he had been travelling by himself with a broken rib and a missing toe cut off by the italians in the 40´s. he was a compelling man with lots to say.
we dined and drank with these three, which led to a lot of tomfoolery. i had to walk henry back to his farmacy-hotel at the end of the night. he was banging on the door, ¨let me in you motha fuckers!¨ he yells in his boston accent. the woman inside sounded abit worried. fastforward, she pointed to the side gate. henry, stumbling into just about everything falls into a ditch and loses a shoe. ¨im going to knock you out when i get in there!¨ of course the woman has no idea what he´s saying and im trying to cool everyone down in broken spanish... you get the idea.
so that was that. but.. news from the frontline.
we hate work´s darkest hour is afoot. the end of the line.
one plane ticket has been purched for early february. someone´s comin´home in the middle of the storm. i dont got the details.
see you next time.
- juan