colin and i aren't just two pretty faces, you know; we have really neat personalities too! it is now time to meet the creators through a series of interview questions conducted by juan (me), and answered by mr. blacoe.
interview below..
1. why do you like the middle east so much?
Well Juan, firstly the food. I'm a bit of a falafel addict..hummus too...chick peas in general
And I've also been turning into a bit of history nerd in the last year...and they've got quite a large history n those parts.
Finally, the west versus east conflict (however misconstrued it is), is sure to be one of the main driving forces in contemporary world politics and conservative propaganda.
2. if you could only eat food of one colour, which would it be?
Wow, thats even harder than the last question......I would prolly go with green...its ALL about the green.
3. what should american football really be called?
Who really cares? Football sucks...we all know that, right?
4. who killed the electric car?
I forget how that movie ends.....the vietcong?...right?
5. who's got the best haircut of all time?
Probably a tie between your drivers license picture and Nick Rivera's helmet circa 1999
6. best run country of 2008?
I dont know man!..they're all terrible....I like what the greeks are doing with themselves right now!
7. first thing that comes to mind:
1997 - high school, skateboarding, so cal punk rock
guatamala > tortillas, garbage, mountains, coffee
'gasolina' (the song) > me dancing to shitty music in latin america
mexico > hot as fuck, good food, better buses than Canadia
alcatraz > didnt nick cage escape from there?,....i saw it!
8. where are you in 2 days, 2 months, 2 years
chillin in latin america or playing music and smoking dank in Toronto
9. fourth last and first ever book read?
First ever book read? who can remember that?....I remember reading a book when i was really young called 'the rookie', about a baseball player...
fourth last?...um.....i know it was by Pramoedenya Toer
10. who can conjure more wizardry power:
christian slater or john travolta?
This is obvious! Travolta!..hes a scientologist...that means he has all of science on his side!
However...scientists usually dont believe in wizardy...they want things like 'proof' and 'evidence'
sooo. im gonna have to go with slater...im pretty sure all his power is in his eyebrows