we stayed at hotel mexico in mazatlan. nice place..very open..lots of concrete...less cockroaches and a toilet seat.
it was all seeming so good.
so we were drinking some big beers on rocking chairs outside our room.
and then we meet the guy across the hall. says hes from Canada as well...cant remember his name.
anyways...we start talking..well..he does most of the talking..and really fast.
quickly brings up that if we wanted...he could get us some coke.
but says he doesnt want to force it on us...it just that lots of dudes visiting mexico want it and he wants us to be safe while attaining it. (no doubt lots of being do coke down here...especially this guy who is constantly talking rapidly!)
we say no...then he offers us hookers...we say no.
wes an alright guy and all nut then yhe goes on about how he has some many connections down here...he knows everybody....he makes lots of money...blah blah blah.
and of course...the next morning he asks to borrow money.
despite all his connections he has to ask 2 backpacking canadians for the 10 dollars to pay his bill cause apparently he cant get money til 3 o clock.
we said no...dont trust coke heads.
the title of this story is due to the fact that Nick always ends up talking to these sorts of people on the bus ad on the street.