Tuesday, December 23, 2008

nana nana nana nana batcaves!

lanquin, guatemala.

so were chilin in a small town called lanquin at a great hostel called el retiro
great buffet dinners and a dope river right beside..all the rooms are made with wood and thatch leaf roofs
one close by attraction is the grutas de lanquin (caves)
we checked that shit a few days ago and....damnn!
these caves are huge..you can walk back for maybe like half a kilometer..
plus there are many small sections that you could squeeze into...we chose not to do this because the ground is covered in a consistent layer of guana (bat shit)...and me and jon are not real men,,so we dont take rrisks like that.
and shit...holy stalagmites in there!.....they are like the size of a small building
at close to sunset we walked out to the entrance to watch the exodus of the bats.
this was amazing/terrifying
there is a constant stream of bats (tons of them) flying out for maybe like 30 mins.
and they are flying extremely close...if you try to look staright at the stream, it appears there about to hit you in the face but they always seem to turn at the last second...also, they are so fast that its almost impossible to photograph them.
so there was a group of israeli kids just hanging out there like it was nothing...and there was me and jon crouched on the ground with our hands over our heads yelping like little schoolgirls..
bats are mothafucking scary! have you seen pictures of these things? they look bloodthirsty!
anyways...we didnt get eaten...just exhilirated....
so we bought a litre of liquor for 5 dollars to cool down...yep.

we cant post pictures up right now cause the ineternet is too slow in these parts

ps. props to thomas berry for all his blog comments!