we couldnt find a lift to San Diego so we had to bite the bullet and take the overnight greyhound.
that was fine...actually no...it wasn't
everything seemed fine until this guy gets on and sits in front of me.
immeadiately upon sitting down he starts to sort jerk/convulse around and gasps/coughs/grunts with every breath...so i thought he was probably a crackhead
i seem to be a magnet for these people on the greyhound....
i'm sitting right behind him..and im pretty tall.
he wants to put his seat back but my legs are in the way
he just keeps smashing the seat back and trying to get it to stay (which it wont cause of my lankiness)
he starts freaking out and hyperventilating cause the seat wont go back
then..nice guy that he is.. says "is that seat smashing you?"
since i have two seats to myself i move my legs over and let him have his way
i was hoping at this point that he was done and would calm down.
and he did....to some extent..
for the rest of the trip he would give off a little grunt or startle with EVERY BREATH HE TOOK
cough here and there and fluctuating in intensity(also mumbling words) as if his whole life was a nightmare....so he would start with some little grunts and every so often get louder and louder and then peak and get quieter again
jon had a theory that someone out a curse or hex on him so he was doomed to do this for life
i dont know what his deal was...maybe its not his fault...
but fuck was it annoying!
oh yah did i mention it was an 8 hour busride?