Tuesday, December 16, 2008

buses, mountains, hangovers

hi there.
today Jon and I left the tourist stained cobblestones of Antigua and decided to head up in the mountains. this required roughly five different buses. all of which were fairly sketchy.
guatemala is very mountanous...so your constantly driving up and down these mountains...this usually occurs with zig zag roads/switchbacks...whatever you wanna call them.
to preapre for this journey we drank a bottle of the cheapest rum we could find in antigua. neither of us remember what happened that night...only that we bought chips at some point.
so here we are riding these suspension-less buses which are sending us flying off our seats every few minutes or so...zig zagging back and forth, feeling like the bus should probably tip over at any point, with drivers who seem to enjoy passing others cars on dangerous blind corners....extremely hungover.....

but the views were nice.

also we managed to fit 22 people into our mini van at one point. thats a personal best in my experience!

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